Promoting Health, Safety and Equity
Promoting Health, Safety and Equity
Naloxone is an FDA-approved opioid antagonist medication for reversing opioid overdoses. Naloxone is available to the public, and can be administered through intramuscular (IM), intravenous (IV), and intranasal spray (IN) routes.
This literature review, being conducted in collaboration with Tennessee Harm Reduction, aims to improve understanding regarding the adequacy of two doses of low-dose IM or IN naloxone in effectively reversing fentanyl overdoses in community settings and whether high-dose naloxone formulations (HDNF) are an optimal or necessary solution to the fentanyl epidemic. We will incorporate the perspectives and experiences of people who use drugs, enabling a more practical and contextually-grounded analysis than what is currently available on this topic.
Study Status
Completed, under peer review
Harm Reduction Innovation Lab
1125 North Main Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02904, United States
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